Ok....here are some belly pics...
16 weeks
17 weeks...
18 weeks...
So now that that has been taken care of...what can I update about? Well...this coming Friday is our BIG U/S! I cannot WAIT to find out what we're having!!! I am soooo ready to be set on a name and start looking at specific designs for the nursery, etc. This must be the fun part of having children! LOL
Now for some not so good news...I dont want to give away too much information...but I DO want to ask for prayer for my husband and I. Ever since he lost his job again we have not been able to keep up with our house payment. We are now almost 3 months behind. It is a very scary time. A job opportunity has been made available for DH that would pay almost 3 times what he is making at his current job. That's great, but he would have to quit his current job for 3 weeks of unpaid training. This is just unfathomable to us right now to go 3 weeks without a pay check. My job barely pays anything. He thinking about going back on unemployment for those 3 weeks to help us get by...but that just won't cut it. It's even come so far that my husband has asked me to see if I can get my inheritance from my grandmother early. I am not suppose to get it until I'm 25...I'm almost 22 now. I don't even want to talk to my mom about it...but my husband is insisting. I don't know what to do. So all I ask is that whatever decision we make...that God is at the center of it. He will look out for us. Just pray for us that whatever happens we will be alright.
I guess thats about all that we have going on right now. I'm still sick: nausea and vomiting...and it sucks. I will be 19 weeks on Friday for our U/S. Also please pray that the anatomy scan comes back perfect :) I will update Friday with the news!!!
Amazon Selling Business - Questions?
7 years ago
Go Emmy! Can't wait to hear about your u/s. I'm sure it will go well and that at the end you'll be celebrating your little girl or boy. DH and I are also facing some financially difficult decisions and I like your approach. Put Got at the center of your decision, and whatever you decide will be the best for you.
Cant wait for friday for you!
Cute belly Emmy! I can't wait to hear how Friday goes!!!
Things will look great on the u/s! I cant wait to hear what you are having. I am so sorry you are dealing with such financial struggle. I wouldnt usually suggest this but have you guys tried using a line of credit through your bank to help until the job comes through? I just cant imagine being pregnant and dealing with that stress. God will sustain you. I will pray that He provides you with a solution.
waiting for your update, it's friday!!! =)
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