Thursday, April 16, 2009

First Ultrasound!

So today was our first appointment!!! Let me just say I am so happy that we are staying with the same ObGyn because she just about hit the floor when she saw us!!! She said "This is surely a miracle! I mean...especially with all the odds against you guys..." I couldn't agree more! So we went over paper work...I was given a cute little goody bag...haha. And we got an ultrasound!!!

I am just in such awe that I am really pregnant :)

I took SO many pictures! LOL I took one of us in the car before we went in, one of the of DH and our nurse practitioner (who has been with us since a year TTC) and a picture of me with my goody bag. LOL I just took a bunch. But we only took one pic of the ultrasound with my camera. We will get a CD of future ultrasounds.

She said I was measuring 6 weeks 1 day. I was actually 6 weeks 6 days. But she is not concerned at all. She said my EDD is still Dec 4th. Which is our nephew's bday :) We got to hear the heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the most precious moment! DH started to get a little teary of course I did too! It's just been so long was just such a special moment! The heartbeat was 115 bpm and she said that was healthy. They took a ton of blood and poked me a gazillion times! Ugh! But we just walked out of there beaming!!! :)

In some strange foster mom is in the hospital with pneumonia. :( She was sick last night and my dad called to tell me he may need us to watch my brother and sister. But instead, he took off last night and tonite. She had an appointment today and they admitted her. She will be there at least until Saturday. But she was very happy to see the ultrasound pics! :)

And lastly, DH and I will be out of the state this weekend for his best friend's wedding in Kentucky. I hope everyone is doing as fabulous as I am!!! :)

Oh...and's the long awaited belly pic from today...


B MoM said...

Emmy!!! I've been logging in all day to find out what happened. =) I'm sooooooooo happy for you! Ecstatic. I cannot believe we'll be belly buddies!! This is going to be so fun. =) and it's kinda weird how I was suppposed to be 6weeks 6days, but I was also measuring 6weeks 2days. I feel relieved that your doc didn't think anything of it. Howcome she didn't change your due date? My due date is now Dec. 6 b/c of my measurement on Tuesday. What did your doc say about that? I heard from other ladies that sometimes babies just start off slow but then catch up by the 1st trimester, so maybe by the next u/s we will be measuring a bit ahead.

Tori said...

What a cute little bean Emmy! And you look so adorable and happy :) Glad to hear it's all going so well for you!

Emmy said...

B MoM...I think she didn't change it because she's still going by the LMP? That's my guess...but I'm not sure!

Brooke said...

Thats all we get? 2 pics? No no no this wont do. You need to post the one with your goody bag! Come on now. I am so happy for you darlin save a spot for me on the mommy bus I am running a bit behind. By the way dhs surgery is sched for may 4th!